It’s been a couple of weeks since we last spoke, it feels like a couple of months to me. I am learning to be more independent, and I am lousy at independence. Getting lousier and lousier. I so much love this woman, and it’s like I’m re-discovering her now. I am intimidated. Reading her words, it’s like too much... freshness and hotness all at the same time. Reminds me of that stupid analogy I shared with her once... and “nope, you’re not like a brain freeze, Grace, you don’t hurt”.
You, who’s reading this, yes, you... have to check her out. She’s as wonderful as she seems. I know, everyone is unique, beautiful, blah blah, but she’s more. She’s in a league of her own. She’s remarkable, and her life is not extra-Ordinary, it’s extraordinary because she’s connected, and, unlike most people you and I will meet, she has a strong sense of self, of being, she’s alive. I have known her for years. After all these years, I love her more. I admire her more. Is this possible ? With her, it definately is. She’s so beautiful. And she’s so darn smart. And she knows things, instantly, that I do not know, and she tells me... important things. About my own life, about people I meet. She feels so much, she knows so much. Where does it all come from ? She’s connected and/or she’s it. Now... if she could only be a man (have a penis)... LOL.
To be honest, she seems like
To be honest, she seems like the kind of person that would constantly poke me with a stick while I would have to try and be nice enough not to blow up in her face. I'm not sure why, but for some reason I'm an attractive target for these kind of people.
She's just seems like an overdose of love, compassion, insight, universial harmony, that sort of thing. Now, those things are all well and good, but I just can't take too much of that sort of thing before I choke on the purple fluffyness. I guess it's because I have it in me already and I can regulate it just fine, I don't need it pushed, I don't need it fed.
Wow, that was harsh.
No it wasn’t harsh
I think she’d understand exactly what you’re saying. :) Of course I know better. I know she would not poke at you. She’s not... I am smiling now... she’s very... real... she’s not that 'kind' but I see how you may have felt that way! She’s a real woman, Seth, she’s not fluffy at all. I love your bluntness and I think it was important that you said that. Your perspective matters to me. I’m so glad you're expressing yourself. I hope you won’t think that I am being 'universally lovy' for saying that. I mean it, Jeeze... LOL.
lol, I'm glad you're taking
lol, I'm glad you're taking it so well, but I sort of expected you to as well since the things you write about in your blog is actually pretty interesting. Uhm, let me explain that. I don't read blogs, I don't sign up for community sites, I don't leave comments. But you seem to actually be one of those extremely rare people who actually writes about the stuff that matters and is real. The rest just writes about the theater... :)
What I'm trying to say is that you seem like a thinker and I'm curious to see what you'll write in the future (no pressure there right? :P).
I'm sure you're right about that woman, she just reminded me of other women who have tried to "rescue" me in the past. Which is actually sort of weird since I'm pretty sure I have more "positive energy" in me than most other guys. Now that I think about it, it could be because I always tried to be a bit grumpy around them - so they wouldn't try and connect with me - which actually made them more interested, heh, sort of ironic. Alright, stopping before it turns into a rant.
This is Grace
LOL ((( Seth ))) I like you already. We might share alot more in common than you may think! And you've just inspired me to post something. THANK YOU!
((( Caroline )))) You already know how I feel about you. And about this post (the whiplash is almost healed now! LOL)
Yikes! Didn't see that one
Yikes! Didn't see that one coming :)
Well this got me thinking about why. What it is that makes me withdraw from people like you Grace (or actually from people who I think you are - did that make sense?). I've got the beginnings of a theory, but I'm not sure about it and it's probably going to get complicated so I'll keep it to myself for now.
Just to try and clarify something I would like to say that I have nothing against this sort of personality that I'm talking about, in fact I think this sort of personality is pretty damn valuable to our world, it's just that personally I'm sort of incompatible with it (yeah it's weird). So, sent down yet another spiral of thoughts to fix whatever mess I might find there. Funny how you think that you're pretty much sorted out and then - WHAM! - god or whatever (I won't go into a religion-rant) finds yet another way to make you deal with another old issue. Not that I mind dealing with them, but these days it's mostly things I can't even see. I must be getting old, or lazy.
There’s always some self-censorship in place for everyone I guess, mine goes like this : I won’t talk about most people, except maybe ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ as I know they will never come here, and the urge to talk about them, sometimes, is just too strong. I find that describing dreams is the most innocuous form of emotion exhibit. While it’s very self-revealing, especially if I go about explaining what I think my dreams mean, the innocent is protected. In an ideal world, I would not protect anyone. It does not please me to have to shut up about certain people. For example, I wrote this article in here, and the author of ‘Stalking’ contacted me, and we spoke on the phone several times, long hours, and he broke my heart but I can’t talk about that.
I think that anything worth reading has to be real. When people can’t even be real about themselves, in intimate moments, it’s not interesting to me, they can’t capture my attention for long, and they don’t have my respect.
Writing truly about oneself on a blog is not intimacy though. I would not go into talking about these things one-on-one, even with most people who are close to me. I wouldn’t experience the same freedom at all. And people don’t think they have been intimate with me by reading intimate stuff about me, written by me. It’s very different, and everyone ‘gets’ that, and I get that too, most of the times. It’s not that I am an exhibitionist. I respect people’s intelligence, or rather the elusive reader’s intelligence, and I respect words, and truth.
Thank you for saying that, Seth. You have no idea how flattering that can be to me (or maybe you do). I read this yesterday, and like some chiropractic act it ‘fixed’ something in me. There’s nothing like being appreciated by someone we appreciate. There’s nothing like being understood by someone we think we understand.
I am sure you do. I find that the most compassionate person (which is the most ‘positive’ in my book) is one that knows a large range of human emotions, and people who try too hard to be ‘positive’ and who refrain from anything that’d seem ‘negative’ cut themselves from... themselves and other people, and forget about this range of emotions, and cannot possibly be truly compassionate, or maybe they can, but they don’t know empathy.
Lucidity is highly-priced by you and I, am I right? And humour. There is so much dark humour in what I write.
Ironic, but not surprising. Do you think that women pick men that they think they can save, yet deep down wish that these guys will resist them, and keep their dark-ish side, which is what charmed these women in the first place (with other things), while women want to be rescued (emotionally and sexually, at least) by men they meet, yet hide this so well, because it’s not something that they accept, and they act like these disgusting motherly figures sometimes, to hide the ‘little girl’.
Grace got the whiplash from looking over her shoulder when she read my posting, to see who the hell I was talking about.
I have thoughts about this. That if we get down to it, it’s just a difference in style, in ‘presentation’ for the same goodness and generosity. Mmm, not only that, though. Not sure.
Mmmm... yes, I see what you mean. I have a hard time defending ideas like that though (which I hold, as beliefs) when ALSO I don’t believe in any master plan, in any deity. And I don’t believe that I’ve set up a plan for myself to deal with a set of issues. I don’t believe in destiny, yet I have thoughts like that, that life brings some stuff to me, but maybe there’s an explanation... for that ‘whatever’. You are a complex human being, Seth. That’s all. You will not sort yourself out completely, but you have, to an extent that is way above average understanding. That’s what I think. ‘Older issues’ will always come back to expand this understanding. We are the same people as we were a very long time ago. With more life know-how. My opinion.
Man, where do I even
Man, where do I even start?
If I'm gonna reply to that... shit, I hate writing essays, not being a school assignment helps suprisingly little :) I know you like this writing stuff, I wonder why. But anyway, let's start.
There’s always some self-censorship in place for everyone I guess, mine goes like this : I won’t talk about most people, except maybe ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ as I know they will never come here, and the urge to talk about them, sometimes, is just too strong. I find that describing dreams is the most innocuous form of emotion exhibit. While it’s very self-revealing, especially if I go about explaining what I think my dreams mean, the innocent is protected.
Dreams are definitely very self-revealing, I guess most people just don't realize it. I don't see how people can miss it though, isn't it obvious that we dream about what's going on in our life and what we find important? To interpret the dream might be a bit harder for someone on the outside though, since various people and objects of course have a special meaning to you which noone else can know about.
I'm actually surprised of how openly you write about yourself while still giving out your real name. I tried having my own blog a while ago. It didn't work very well, in part because I hate writing and in part because I flew out in a me-against-the-world-rage everytime I wrote something, but the point is that I didn't use my own name.
Writing truly about oneself on a blog is not intimacy though. I would not go into talking about these things one-on-one, even with most people who are close to me. I wouldn’t experience the same freedom at all. And people don’t think they have been intimate with me by reading intimate stuff about me, written by me. It’s very different, and everyone ‘gets’ that, and I get that too, most of the times. It’s not that I am an exhibitionist. I respect people’s intelligence, or rather the elusive reader’s intelligence, and I respect words, and truth.
You're right, and that's funny, how things can get really awkward if you try and tell someone close to you something important, while it's completely ok to tell the world.
Thank you for saying that, Seth. You have no idea how flattering that can be to me (or maybe you do). I read this yesterday, and like some chiropractic act it ‘fixed’ something in me. There’s nothing like being appreciated by someone we appreciate. There’s nothing like being understood by someone we think we understand.
You already knew you're... different/special (ok, you're gonna have to help me here, insert a word with the same meaning as those two but which won't make the sentence a huge cliché). I was just trying to let you know that I think I see something in you that most other people probably miss. I think I 'get' you, at least to an extent.
I am sure you do. I find that the most compassionate person (which is the most ‘positive’ in my book) is one that knows a large range of human emotions, and people who try too hard to be ‘positive’ and who refrain from anything that’d seem ‘negative’ cut themselves from... themselves and other people, and forget about this range of emotions, and cannot possibly be truly compassionate, or maybe they can, but they don’t know empathy.
You made me dig for memories here, I couldn't think of any such person at first and so I weren't sure of what you meant. But I think I get what you mean now, I found someone who might fit that profile. But I'm not sure that I want to backtalk her too much, I just feel like, yeah she's not perfect, and yeah she's probably blind to a lot of things in life, especially the darker sides, but at least she's on the side of it where she only sees good instead of being on the side where she would only see hate, and hey, she does a decent job of raising her kids and of contributing some sort of positive energy to the world. You just can't expect too much of people, or you will get disappointed, at least that's how I see it.
Lucidity is highly-priced by you and I, am I right? And humour. There is so much dark humour in what I write.
Lu... Luci-what? Seriously :)
I looked it up but I'm still not sure of exactly what you meant there so... no comment :)
About dark humor, how can you not love it. You can actually deliver some pretty stinging criticism to society, the world and people around you - and not only get away with it, but even be praised for it!
Do you think that women pick men that they think they can save, yet deep down wish that these guys will resist them, and keep their dark-ish side, which is what charmed these women in the first place (with other things), while women want to be rescued (emotionally and sexually, at least) by men they meet, yet hide this so well, because it’s not something that they accept, and they act like these disgusting motherly figures sometimes, to hide the ‘little girl’.
I was wondering whether you actually meant "Don't you think that...", but then realized it's a question either way :) So, yes to the first part. The second part (about wanting to be rescued) I don't know really. I don't see why they would want/need to be rescued emotionally... are women usually depressed or what did you mean here? Oh, and what do you mean by "disgusting motherly figures"? I think this is the first time I've ever seen anyone talk about motherly figures in a negative way so I'm curious of what you're thinking there :)
I have thoughts about this. That if we get down to it, it’s just a difference in style, in ‘presentation’ for the same goodness and generosity. Mmm, not only that, though. Not sure.
Maybe... I don't want to get into it since I haven't thought it through yet. It's next in line for processing though, as soon as I take the time.
Mmmm... yes, I see what you mean. I have a hard time defending ideas like that though (which I hold, as beliefs) when in fact I don’t believe in any master plan, in any deity. And I don’t believe that I’ve set up a plan for myself to deal with a set of issues. I don’t believe in destiny, yet I have thoughts like that, that life brings some stuff to me, but maybe there’s an explanation... for that ‘whatever’.
I don't know what I believe in really. It's just that one day I got so tired of not knowing what to do with this unresolved problem that had been laying in my head for so many years that I finally just decided I would accept a very bare stripped-down version of what the church likes to call god. Justified with the logical reasoning that believing in a god can provide certain benefits in life, and whether you're wrong or not really couldn't matter less.
It's basically just a problem that I won't ever be able to solve, so I've just accepted that fact.
Alright, my brain is about to melt. I find writing to be very exhausting, probably because I think a hundred things for every one thing I actually write. It's definitely worth the effort though, this is really interesting things we're talking about and it's rare to find a person who you can talk about these things with.
WOW the thoughts going around in my head now
I will take some time to reply, which is an excellent thing : it’ll give us both time to rest LOL... Writing is difficult for me too. But liberating as well. English is not my first language, French is, and I am sort of anal-retentive when I am anxious (that will become a problem if I ever become a web developer, as I'll obsess over details), so I edit a lot, because I feel often that I am not really saying what I really mean.
PS : I am not using my real name, Seth. Schnapp is something I picked. I think it means 'to grab' in German.
No problem, take your time,
No problem, take your time, I know exactly how you feel :)
Now that I look back, I didn't write all that much but still I was exhausted when I was done, or well, when I had to quit because of it. English isn't my first language either so yeah that complicates it further.
I thought you were a web developer already. But anyhow there's never any time to obsess over details, at least I never have the time for it. I just have to accept the imperfections and move on, yeah it sucks, but there's just no time. The boss wants results and there's just so many minor fixes you can get away with before you need to develop some new big feature to keep him happy.
I'm glad you're not using your real name. Although that means my little package is being sent to the wrong address... I'm kidding, I'm kidding! :)
I miss you Seth
That means that I will have to post a reply soon. I did write to you yesterday, then closed the window on my long reply, by accident. It was not a glitch, it was me the glitch : I had several windows open from which I was copying your words, from 2 comments. This time, I will use Wordpad. I remember what I wrote to you. Most of it is still in my head. But now I need some breakfast, or more sleep. I went to bed at 6am. I will make a decision as to whether I should sleep more or not while having breakfast. Scrambled eggs. I hope you’re well, Seth. I think I know what your mother tongue is. Starts with the same letter as something I haven’t had in a long time.
Well that sucks, it almost
Well that sucks, it almost happened to me as well, which of course caused a huge "NOOOOO!"-reaction, quickly followed by a big "YESSSS!"-reaction. Even if I remember what I wrote I'm always too lazy to recreate it exactly the way it was, I always cut a few corners. Anyways, I hope you won't, or well, I don't want to wait for yet another couple of days either. Guess what, I miss you too, and I don't even know you, but I feel like I do.
You're right about where I'm from, I actually had a feeling you would figure that out :). Depending on how you did it, you might be able to tell me my real name as well. I'd prefer if you didn't do that in here though, but I trust you not to.
Just post, soon.
It’s hard to say things about you...
without giving away hints to other people... But I know who you are, sort of. I don’t know your real name. I like what I’ve read. And my 3rd big clue was your style of delivery, that God-knows-what that I cannot describe, and based on these clues (your style and your IP and your 'alias'), and a few other clues, I think I was able to identify you in other places. I will post something soon. I won’t cut corners.
I would like to know what
I would like to know what you think I am... I doubt very much that you've found me in other places, because I keep a very low profile online, I rarely post at all and when I do I usually use different names in different places, hell even I would probably have some difficulty in trying to find old posts by myself :)
It would be great...
...to be able to send you a private message to tell you where I think I have seen/read you. That would be in 3 places. On Drupal.org of course. But in two other places too. I am probably mistaken (seriously).
Have you seen many, many movies in your life? (e.g.)
I could create an account (without e-mail) for you but then you do not register on blogs or community sites, you do not even post... and I don’t think I want you to change your ways, even for me. But eventually here’s something I would fantasize about you doing ;) => you could use one of these web sites that generate temporary e-mail addresses, then... register and then send me a pm, once in a while, just what the doctor ordered so that I do not become mad in the long term. I will check that new account (your new account, that you will create), will know it is yours because of the IP. I will activate it. You can use it just to login to send private messages. To ME. I (otherwise) never accept any subscription with e-mails that don’t work beyond a few days. If people cannot trust me with a permanent e-mail address, I understand their concern ; however, I don’t feel obligated to let them in to download every single document and file there is download around here in 1 minute to then leave and never return. I have this prerogative. I am working on my assertiveness. LOL...
Wtf, temporary emails...
Wtf, temporary emails... IP... ? You really think I'm that anal and you still want to get to know me? That just doesn't make any sense :P
I'll sign up.
About dreams, disgusting motherly figures and perfectionism
Yes, it’s about these 2 things, what goes on and what matters, really, to us. My dreams are usually not cryptic to me. Of course they are a mixed bag. And, what I was writing yesterday (that I lost) was that... there are no artsy director in me who’s trying to use symbolism for the sake of symbolism, to appeal to a certain crowd who thinks that if they can’t figure out something it must be deep (I was trying to be funny...). Neither are there gods who are trying to reveal things to me, but are not allowed to deliver the goods without encryption. The apparent confusion is rarely confusion. It’s a form of economy : how to say many things at once, even things that may be contradicting one another, how to express different things, that my logical brain has put in different categories, in ONE scene, in ONE story, with a few characters, with the PERFECT MOOD. I am so... dumb, in my waken life, compared to what I make up at night, when I sleep. Everything is so vivid, and detailed, and people can be quite real too. And for the longest time I thought I may (for real) break free from my body. I experienced that : electrical buzz in my head, looking at my hands, moving them above my body and seeing that they were blurry, like a cloud of little ants in the shape of arms... But I think that I can make it all up, that I can make up what it would feel like if such a thing was possible. Then, there are been so many places I 'visited' with amazing architecture (and architecture is not a hobby of mine). Have you ever read the novel The Coma...? Pro'bly not :) The author (his name is Garland!) describes experiences like that... but this time, the person, the character is not dreaming, he’s in a coma. I have to be careful not to only create in dreams... I have to use this energy in my waken life too. And I probably do. Hope so :)
More in my next reply.
I love knowing that you
I love knowing that you exist, because I find a lot of comfort in being expendable. You analyze this and yourself with amazing precision and clarity of mind. What else is there to say?
WHAT? :)
You are not expendable. And you are either being kind (and I love that, can’t complain) OR you’re teasing me. I don’t know you. I would love to know you better. I don’t know your anger. Would not mind your rants, would probably enjoy most of them.
I'm not messing around, I'm
I'm not messing around, I'm serious... I guess that I'm just happy that there are others out there who see the world like I do. No actually that's not quite it, what I'm happy about is that there are people out there who are able to see the world like me, had they been me, gah! I don't know, I just don't feel as lonely or important knowing you're out there.
I guess I could just put it like this - I feel like I'm part of a species on the border of extinction.
I set up a team
to go to where you live to secure your surroundings :)
About anger
Someone sent me a self-help book, as a gift. It says that most physical ailments (well, many of them) are caused by a rage we are not aware of. I would not consider that I have 'rage' in me, but I think there is a lot of anger, always. I know that because sometimes it will come to the surface and it will be very surprising, to me. It’s like it’s always there, EXCEPT I am not feeling it. Now that sounds absurd, right ? I can’t be angry if I don’t feel angry, right ? And physical ailments cannot be caused by stuff we are unaware of... that part about physical ailments I'm not sure about. However, I believe now that I am a VERY angry woman (LOL...) and if certain conditions are met (not conditions that will anger me, but conditions that will reconnect me with stuff I am not aware of... inside of me), the anger comes to the surface, slowly. Nothing spectacular. But to me, it’s HUGE, actually it feels like rage. From the outside, it may look like I am sad. Rage = tears for me. Rage = sarcastic for you ? Now, what does it have to do with what you said ? If you are expressing anger against-the-world, it is a totally sane expression, a welcome one (people can be SO stupid... and that’s only one small part of why we should be angry), and your anger may not have been as spectacular as you thought it seemed or would seem... to other people. It may have been spectacular to yourself, though.
Okey... you know, I'm not
Okey... you know, I'm not sure if there's any point in us communicating anymore, because there's obviously nothing to communicate. We're as synced as the clocks in my home (well actually they're all +/- 5 minutes of, but that's not the point) :)
I hate self-help books, they just try to teach me things I already know. Reminds me of school when they were trying to teach me things I had no interest in knowing. I guess I'm very skeptic to all sorts of teaching in general. I'm gonna avoid going into a rant about why.
The only things I enjoyed
The only things I enjoyed being taught in school were technical things, the ‘sciences exactes’. And history too. I used school at a later age as a refuge from the workplace. They are probably many like me, which is no excuse. I should have gotten myself on welfare instead. We got paid to study, an attractive idea. But it just became unbearable when I was a graduate student (working on a Master in Arts), I just quit. Nobody noticed me quitting, by the way, and certainly not the Institution. I was not integrated socially. I was a reject in that program. I still receive all sorts of notifications from the department. Reminds me : they owe me money, a small amount, I overpaid them. They would never tell me that though (well their computer won’t). I hate the Grant system in the arts. It makes me angry just to think about all that money that stupid teachers doing stupid ‘research’ in literature get, with their students, that I would have gotten a part of. In exchange for stuff that will feed that ridiculous machine, conferences that other parasites of the system attend, and it is just so utterly useless in any other ways.
lol I know exactly what you
I know exactly what you mean about the whole academic system at the higher levels. People get tons of money for researching completely idiotic things, research that most likely nobody will ever have any use of. And all while doing this they get applauded by their peers who are also researching equally pointless things. Oh well, I guess something good must come out of it sometimes, once in a decade or so. At least that's what I tell myself to avoid getting upset about it.
... what I meant!!! You expressed it PERFECTLY.
mother figures
I guess I was talking about... I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe I want emotional rescu-ing ? Jesus! :(
Oh the subject of motherhood...
I will grab something to eat now. Will be right back.
I think not :) I can't see
I think not :) I can't see how you would need it
k. :)
Disgusting motherly figures
I feel awkward around mothers and motherly behavior. My thoughts are not well-formed on that subject so I will just throw things, to see if something can emerge. The relationships I had, if you can call those relationships, in all of them (when there was some spending time together, in the medium/long term), I was a mother. To these men. Not that I wanted that. It just became clear they could not fit me in any other role. I could not be The Woman for them (and to be fair, they could not be The Man for me either...), I could not quite be a Sister either, but since I was digustingly reliable and since my arms were always open, I became The Incestuous Mother, the mother you bang. Not long ago, I saw this young girl, whom I love so, so, so, much. I was with my ______ and her. I told her : Why don’t you tell ____ about your 4 mothers...? I made a mistake in my calculation. I should have said three. I whispered in her ear, to give her a cue : "Starting with your mother in [country]" (She’s adopted). So she recited with enthusiasm : I have a mom in [country], I have my mom X, then I have [step-mother] Y, then... she turns to me and says : I have YOU. Then I laughed (I was uncomfortable...). I said : Oh I liiike that. So she repeated, and repeated... and called me Mom later on that day. But I feel like I have done something terribly wrong. I feel guilty. Like I did something forbidden, and bad. I had a kid call me "Mom". It’s like... bad. Not for the kid. That’s how far I will go today, talking about motherhood.
I know exactly what you mean
I know exactly what you mean about the mother/son-role-thing. I hate it, been there, and don't want to go there again. It's so easy to fall into it though, I can definitely see why it seems to happen so often.
I'm not sure I understand why you felt bad about that little girl calling you mom... well, I sort of do, but I guess I don't understand why I do understand. Did that make sense? :)
I'd love to talk more with you about these things. Well, everything actually.
Here is something I would
Here is something I would fantasize about doing if we both lived in these huge apartment buildings, dormitory for lonely or just alone grown-ups. I would knock knock at around 10pm. You would answer with no shirt on. You would not say a word. I would ask : Can I crash ? (crash = sleep over) Are you alone ? You would stop to think. Then you’d make a gesture with your arm to let me in. I would go sleep on the couch. And at 3am, would go into your bed while you’ll pretend you’re sleeping. NO, what I really want is to talk to you. Over a cup of coffee. I don’t know what I want most, actually.
You make it sound like me
You make it sound like me standing there with no shirt on is a good thing :) But yeah, I'd like that
I have much to learn from you. I know that perfectionism can get in the way of doing great work for me (as with most people I guess). I have to change gear, gain some momentum, in order to reach that 'space' where I create good stuff. Perfectionism is not a quality. And following from what you wrote (adding to it) : it may be a blessing to not have enough time, sometimes.
I am not a web developer, no. I would not present myself as such. I do not have enough experience. But I will be doing one or two themes for Drupal. That is a priority for me. I will give these away, but they have to be very good. Then I will have a Drupal portfolio, then Maybe I will earn a living. With Drupal. I would love to.
Anal-retentive, that's me.
Do you ever catch yourself drafting a document and worrying about the line spacing or the font-weight or the typeface *instead* of the still unfinished document?
I like to look at it as a blessing. No, I'm not as productive as many but I sure get a lot of offers from people looking for someone who "pays attention to detail".
You have to recognize this trait, though; and not beat yourself up for not cranking out work like the others on the team. This perfectionist inclination is a valued trait, be proud of it.
(That's my rationale and I'm sticking to it!)
Do you ever catch yourself
Yes, I do. Oh yes.
Do you ever catch yourself
Yes and no... I do find myself polishing tiny unimportant details sometimes when there's still tons of important stuff left to complete, but that's mostly to get a change of pace at times. To get away from all the heavy hard work if you will.
I have much to learn from
No, I'm not a guru. I'm just another idiot trying to make stuff work. I fuI know that perfectionism can get in the way of doing great work for me (as with most people I guess). I have to change gear, gain some momentum, in order to reach that 'space' where I create good stuff. Perfectionism is not a quality. And following from what you wrote (adding to it) : it may be a blessing to not have enough time, sometimes.
I read something somewhere, I think it was some page with a title like "The top 5 most important things to remember when starting an open-source project" or something like that. Anyway, one of those things were "Don't wait until you're 'done'. If you're going to wait until your project is 100% complete before you release it, you'll never release anything." and I think that's very true, we're all perfectionists to some degree.
Alright, you know what, I'm
Alright, you know what, I'm getting lost in the text-jungle here, check your damn mail :)
Me too shit
I am lost. I'll check my mail.