



File download in Drupal

The attached ebook, Files in Drupal, has been expanded and updated to account for changes in Drupal 6.
Update, May 10th, 2008.

You'll find in the pdf document attached to this posting “10 things you ought to know” about file download in Drupal, from a developer’s perspective. This small guide provides sample code, recipes, concise yet complete explanations, tricks, and a thorough coverage of the module hook function file_download. The document is 6 11 16 17 pages long, it has been expanded and updated to account for changes in Drupal 5 and 6. I also added a 'funny' cover to the book. (My modest attempt at humour.) Typos are corrected pretty much on a daily basis... If you’ve downloaded the document before May 17th, 2008, please redownload it. Read more →

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Free DOM scripting for XHTML ebook

This PDF book contains 53 pages. The book is now free, as of December 6th 2007.

Source code, table of content and sample pages are available here.

File Type Size Last update
DomScripting.pdf PDF 2.2 MB 07-02-2007

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New DOM scripting book

[] This ebook comes in a PDF format, has 53 pages and is fully illustrated. The size of the file is approximately 2 MBytes. Attached are the table of content and a free sample of the book, containing these pages : the cover, the last page, and in between pages 1, 3, 23-25, 28, 30, 35, 37, 39-40, 43-45. The code for all exercises and two of the final exam questions are attached. Read more →

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