

Dream more

Reach for the stars. You already shine like one. Someone once told me to dream more. I thought I was a dreamer like in Supertramp’s song Dreamer. “Put your hands in your head” was what I expected to hear from this man. He was a very accomplished person, he still is. He had done a lot of things. He had so much to show for. But he told me, and he knew me very well : you’re not dreaming enough, Caroline. Dream more.

He was right. There is nothing wrong with dreaming, no matter what. Hear this (and let me know if you disagree, and why) : it’s impossible to dream your life away. When you dream, what is going away ? When something is accomplished, the fun is over, and it’s time to move on. Don’t be in hurry for things to be over. Don’t ever be “accomplished”. And shove it in other’s people face that you’ll never “get there”, you’re already there and beyond. On some level, you got there such a long, long time ago, anyway.

Seems paradoxical ? To dream more yet to feel like you already got there ? No, it’s not. To dream is to aim for something, and to imagine that you’re there, and to experience it already, and to realize that, on some level, it’s already inside of you. And one day it will be out there too, it will materialize. It will, and to believe so can bring no harm. It will eventually help you get there. Those around you who do not want you to dream are either jealous, scared for you (because they project their own fears on you) or they’re bitter. There is a human tendency to try and bring other people, either up or down, to one's own level of optimism or pessimism. Dream, I tell you, and don’t ever stop dreaming.

Last edited by Caroline Schnapp about 13 years ago.


DREAMING is much like

DREAMING is much like visualization, isn't it??? Co-Creative Feel Good Energy??

I think that almost all of us could use a huge dose of DREAMING...THANK YOU for this reminder!

Regarding the impossibility of dreaming one's life away...I only want to add this thought. Dreaming eats away at TIME. Are there times when we would be better served by some sort of ACTION in relation to our dreams? Unless, of course, one doesn't really want their dreams to come true - and doesn't mind the Clock of Life ticking away...


Regarding the impossibility of dreaming one’s life away...I only want to add this thought. Dreaming eats away at TIME. Are there times when we would be better served by some sort of ACTION in relation to our dreams? Unless, of course, one doesn’t really want their dreams to come true - and doesn’t mind the Clock of Life ticking away...

That’s what people mean by “dreaming one’s life away”, yes : that one can be living life in one’s head... only (or mostly). I have my own thoughts on this :

** I am not even always in my head/heart/skin when I DO stuff... although I can be and that can be grand... so I may experience more pleasure in a visualization and state of mind & spirit then in doing... I may be LIVING more then.

** We can dream AND do...

** And it’s ok to dream without doing... and I think that my thoughts concerning this are somewhat radical, they may go too far even, I may revise this in a while and certainly will talk more on this. I am in a phase where I think that accomplishing stuff may be overrated... it’s good to have accomplished enough and tasted this (doing) enough, though. To have had that. (And to have it again!)

And this :

DREAMING is much like visualization, isn’t it??? Co-Creative Feel Good Energy??

YES! (I haven’t changed my mind on that).

ps you’ve got mail :)

"You only live twice, once

"You only live twice, once for yourself and once for your dreams"....
is that not how the saying goes?

But for myself, I dream twice
I dream at night and I day dream.
I have been day dreaming since I can remember,
it has kept me sane, it has kept me alive.

I don't care if it eats away time,
for in my dreams I am living a life,
that I am or have been unable to in my real life.

For me too

For me too.

Even when my life is eventfully rich, I daydream ON TOP IT. I add an extra layer. My true life is the directing/lighting/narration of a film based on real events. I can take great liberty in how I make that film. It can be loosely based on actual events.
You write beautifully and what you say is so true.